Multinfusión Duerme Bien Pompadour 31 gr.

General description

Mixture of natural plants that helps pass a good night; now reinforced or Passionflower Passion Flower. The rooibos and honeybush herbs are well known and appreciated in South Africa, their country of origin; and enhance their properties with lemon balm and hops. It is supplemented with an aromatic combination of cardamom, cinnamon, licorice root, sweet blackberry leaves and lotus.

Ingredients: Rooibos, lemon balm, Honenybush, anise, cinnamon, Passionflower (10%), liquorice, hops, sweet blackberry leaves, cardamom and Lotus (2%)

Technical description

P.N. 31 gr.

Le kilo coûte 112,25 €

20 filtres

Conteneur 20 filtres hermétiquement fermés

Produit espagnol fabriqué par Pompadour Ibérica - CTRA. A MADRID KM 405, POL. INDIANA. LAS ATALAYAS PLOT 8A 03114 ALICANTE


Rooibos, Mélisse, Honenybush, Anis, Cannelle, Passiflore (10%), Réglisse, Houblon, Feuilles de mûre sucrée, Cardamome et Fleur de Lotus (2%)

Valeurs nutritionnelles

Valeur énergétique (Kj) 3,0 Kj
Valeur énergétique (Kcal) 1,0 Kcal
Lipides0,1 g
Gras saturés0.1 g
Glucides0.2 g
Sucres0,1 g
Protéines0.0 g
Sel0,0 g

4,22€ (136.13€/Kg.)
Minimum quantity: 1

Ref. 875 de Pompadour

In stock

Descripción Detallada

Welcome to the serene embrace of a restful night with Multinfusión Duerme Bien Pompadour 31 gr. Crafted in the tranquil city of Alicante, Spain, this exquisite blend is your passport to tranquility, combining the finest natural ingredients to ensure a peaceful slumber. Infused with a masterful mix of Rooibos and Honeybush, two revered herbs from the rich South African terroir, this tea offers a smooth and soothing base. Lemon balm and hops contribute to the calming effect, perfect for settling down after a long day. Passionflower, the blend´s centerpiece at a generous 10%, is known for its ability to ease the mind and promote restful sleep. Accompanied by the subtle sweetness of blackberry leaves and the exotic touch of lotus, each sip transports you closer to a dream state. The warm undertones of cinnamon and the sweetly spiced notes of cardamom, along with a hint of licorice, create an aromatic symphony that not only pleases the palate but also the senses. The composition is meticulously designed to ensure that every cup offers an indulgent retreat from the hustle and bustle. With a low-calorie content and virtually no fats, sugars, or proteins, this blend is a guilt-free indulgence to be enjoyed in the evening. Each box comes with 20 hermetically sealed filters, preserving the freshness and potency of the herbs. Drift off into a blissful night´s sleep with Multinfusión Duerme Bien Pompadour. It´s more than a tea; it´s a nightly ritual that prepares you for a rejuvenating rest, ensuring you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to embrace the day. Experience the rest you deserve, one cup at a time.

Purchase details

You can buy Multinfusión Duerme Bien Pompadour 31 gr. in our online store paying by credit card, paypal and bank transfer, you can also receive it at your own home. We will send you the product of the brand Pompadour with the maximum guarantees. You will also have 15 days to make any return.
