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Can pregnant women eat ham or not
28 Jul

Can pregnant women eat ham or not

We analyze why pregnant women cannot eat ham and the cases in which it is allowed. Scientific studies show that they can eat ham


The belief that pregnant women cannot eat ham has been an absolute truth until science has proven otherwise. It has always been feared that pregnant women consume ham due to the danger of toxoplasmosis that raw meat carries.

However, scientific studies have shown that pregnant women can eat ham and in this post we are going to tell you why. What's more, we give you a little hint: the key is in the quality of the ham. And to enjoy the pleasure of eating a good ham, what less than buy ham online in our Your Spanish Shop store to taste the best flavor that Spain has given us.

Why can pregnant women eat ham?

Until a long time ago, pregnant women could not eat ham during the gestation period due to the danger of suffering from toxoplasmosis. A parasite inoculated into raw or undercooked meat that can be transmitted to both mother and fetus. In fact, the ham was placed in the same hole as the rest of the sausages due to the risk of congenital toxoplasmosis, a disease caused by this parasite that can cause death or serious damage to the fetus.

However, as I announced before, scientific studies have found the key by which pregnant people can consume ham. And which one is it? Its healing, with a minimum time of 18 months.

This has been stated by the Andalusian Technological Center of the Meat Sector (Teica) through one of its studies. This shows that pregnant women can eat cured Iberian ham thanks to its long curing process.

After 18 months there is no longer any danger of contracting the parasite in the meat that causes Toxoplasmosis. And the Iberian ham needs a minimum curing time of 24 months. Of course, to guarantee the safety of the pregnant woman, it should be the best ham, which meets the highest quality standards.

The importance of the quality of ham for pregnant women

That the cured Iberian ham is real is essential to ensure the development of the fetus. Toxoplasmosis, although mild for expectant mothers, can be very dangerous for the embryo.

At least not all pregnant women are at risk of contracting it. With the first analysis, it is already identified if the pregnant person has ever been in contact with the parasite that transmits it before pregnancy. If this is so, her immune system will have created enough antibodies to protect the fetus. Which means that they have been able, and can, enjoy ham and some good Spanish sausages during pregnancy without any problem.

However, the lack of security comes to those who have never had contact with the parasite. Pregnant women must be very sure that the food they are going to eat meets the promised quality to avoid a possible misfortune.

Toxoplasmosis can be contracted for various reasons. For contaminated meat and soil and for infected vegetables and fruits, but not for consuming a quality Iberian ham.

In fact, Teica has agreed with the Spanish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (SEGO) to implement the protocol that allows pregnant women to eat Iberian ham cured for more than 18 months.

In any case, the safest thing for the pregnant person is to always ask their gynecologist to confirm their consumption.

What ham can pregnant women eat?

So, we can say that the ham that pregnant women can eat is Iberian. But also, for greater safety, since not all gynecologists agree with this statement, the ham can be frozen before consuming it.

This is because the freezing of the meat kills the bacteria and parasites that the food could carry. In this way, it becomes a product suitable for consumption once it is thawed.

And how long should the ham be frozen for pregnant women?

Experts point out that the food must be in the freezer for at least 48 hours, at a temperature below 20ºC.

To guarantee its perfect freezing and conservation, the ham must be wrapped in transparent paper or a plastic bag with closure so that no air enters. Also, once defrosted it should be kept in the fridge. Thus, it will not lose any of its properties and will not be at risk of developing certain pathogens that can become dangerous to health.

Therefore, for pregnant people, eating ham is no longer a prohibition, but the pleasure that it has always been. So now we can change the “I shouldn't” for “thank goodness, I can satisfy this horrible craving and have my wonderful Iberian ham toast for breakfast”.

And at Your Spanish Shop we have an extensive catalog of quality Iberian products and hams that any pregnant woman can enjoy.

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