100% pea macaron Gallo Nature 250 gr.

General description

Macaroni made 100% with peas Gallo Nature

What are you waiting for to try this pasta made with just 1 ingredient? 100% made from green peas, it is high in fiber and protein.

Technical description

The kilo comes to € 10.75

P.N. 250 gr.

Spanish product made by Pastas Gallo - Avda Diagonal 468, 4-C. Barcelona. Spain


Green pea flour (100%).

Nutritional values

Energy value 1464kJ / 347kcal
Fat 2,5g
Of which saturated 0.4g
Carbohydrates 49g
Of which sugars 4.6g
Dietary Fiber 12g
Protein 26g
Salt 0.2g
Iron 6.8mg

2,68€ (10.72€/Kg.)
Minimum quantity: 1

Ref. 4069 de Gallo

In stock
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Descripción Detallada

Experience the natural goodness of Gallo Nature´s revolutionary pasta product - the 100% Pea Macaroni. This unique pasta offering, straight from Barcelona, boasts a single ingredient composition that will have health enthusiasts and food lovers equally intrigued. Every 250g pack of this pasta marvel is crafted entirely with nutrient-packed green pea flour, ensuring a meal that is as wholesome as it is delicious. Dive into a plate of Gallo Nature´s 100% Pea Macaroni and relish a pasta experience that´s genuinely different. Its exceptional high fiber and protein content make every serving a nutritious powerhouse that aligns with your health goals. With 26 grams of protein per 100 grams, this pasta challenges traditional counterparts, offering a plant-based alternative that doesn´t fall short on the protein scale. Moreover, this pea-based pasta is a gift for those following specific dietary paths. Whether you’re vegan, gluten-sensitive, or simply seeking to incorporate more plant-based options into your diet, Gallo Nature´s pea macaroni fits the bill perfectly. Its low fat and sugar content, coupled with an impressive amount of dietary fiber, means you can savor this pasta guilt-free. Priced at €10.75 per kilo, Gallo Nature ensures that health and affordability go hand in hand. This pasta doesn´t just bring unparalleled nutrition to your plate; it also delivers the delightful taste and al dente texture that Gallo Nature is celebrated for. Elevate your pasta dishes with the unmistakable character of Gallo Nature´s 100% Pea Macaroni. Whether tossed in a light sauce, stirred into a hearty vegetable stew, or simply adorned with a sprinkle of your favorite spices, it promises a culinary adventure that´s as nourishing as it is flavorful. Get ready to transform the way you think about pasta, one pea-flour spiral at a time. Enjoy the innovation that Gallo Nature continues to bring to tables around the world, directly from the vibrant heart of Barcelona.

Purchase details

You can buy 100% pea macaron Gallo Nature 250 gr. in our online store paying by credit card, paypal and bank transfer, you can also receive it at your own home. We will send you the product of the brand Gallo with the maximum guarantees. You will also have 15 days to make any return.
