salads recipes

Chicken salad
04 Aug

Chicken salad

Ingredients: 1 chicken breast cooked and shredded chicken two centimeters by five. 1 wedge of cheese curds (if better sheep), cut into strips the same size as the chicken. 1 slice of ham or roast at least 2 centimeters thick (so pedidla to charcutero) and cut into strips like the rest of the same si.. Read more

salads 22 Jun

Watermelon salad and fresh cheese

For hot days we propose this salad of watermelon and cheese, as well as being very refreshing, it is nutritious and tasty. Watermelon is a fruit that we enjoy eating it alone or integrated into our salads as an ingredient. This recipe is very simple and quick to prepare. It can also serve for an ent.. Read more

Watermelon salad and fresh cheese