Blog Fish

Stuffed anchovy gratin asparagus with hollandaise
09 Jul

Stuffed anchovy gratin asparagus with hollandaise

In this recipe we will see another of the many ways to incorporate anchovy our dishes, again it belongs to the recipe of the "Brotherhood of the Anchovy of Cantabria".



thick asparagus

Canned anchovies





For the Dutch:

2 egg yolks

1 teaspoon lemon juice

½ dl water

¼ kg of butter



We opened the asparagus in half unfinished cut and fill them one or two depending on the size anchovies asparagus; we passed by flour and egg and fry. Reserve.

We hollandaise sauce 2 egg yolks and lemon juice emulsified water bath and adding butter ointment made slowly, like a mayonnaise.

We put the asparagus in a bowl and salseamos with the Dutch. Gratinamos and then serve.


SOURCE: Book The kitchen anchovy and Bocarte "A Walk in Santoña" courtesy of Luis Lopez Macho.

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