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This would happen to your body if you ate sunflower seeds every day of your life
08 March

This would happen to your body if you ate sunflower seeds every day of your life

The consumption of sunflower seeds, known simply as sunflower seeds, is quite peculiar in our country

In Spain, eating shelled sunflower seeds represents not only a source of food, but also an accompanying activity


The consumption of sunflower seeds, known simply as pipes, is quite peculiar in our country. In the first place, because in most countries such consumption occurs through the peeled seeds, so that they can be added to all kinds of recipes.

In Spain, eating shelled sunflower seeds represents not only a source of food, but also an accompanying activity for other leisure activities such as chatting, walking or watching a show. And, secondly, because we eat them in quantities that no other country has the same. But is it good to consume so many sunflower seeds?

Like many other seeds, sunflower seeds provide great benefits to our health thanks to an optimal nutritional composition. Among other things, sunflower seeds provide proteins, polyunsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals such as copper, manganese, potassium, selenium or zinc. Thanks to these qualities, and according to the specialized health portal WebMD, the consumption of pipes reduces chronic inflammation, a highly harmful state for the body. In addition, it can also help us take care of our heart and cardiovascular system thanks to those healthy fats mentioned above.

But not only that. "Zinc plays a vital role in the immune system, helping the body maintain and develop immune cells. Selenium also plays a role in reducing inflammation, fighting infection and boosting immunity," write the researchers. WebMD experts. Consequently, regular consumption of sunflower seeds can help us stay protected. And finally, these seeds contain a lot of vitamin B1, which "can help us convert food into energy" and therefore "keep us active throughout the day." An invaluable energy boost.

However, all of the above does not imply that we should eat sunflower seeds without any control. After all, and when we talk about nutrition, moderation is usually the most recommended attitude. And in the case of sunflower seeds, the reason is hidden in their fats. Although they are healthy fats, as we have already verified, they are only so when "they are eaten with restraint and in substitution for foods that are high in saturated and trans fats," they explain from Healthline. In other words: it is much better to eat fifty grams of these seeds than a processed chocolate Neapolitan.

In addition, we must take into account two other key aspects of pipes. The first of them is that they provide approximately 580 calories per 100 grams, in the same line as the rest of the nuts. That is why it is important to moderate its consumption if we want to maintain a good weight. The second of them is that in a large part of the commercial presentations, the sunflower seeds are accompanied by an exorbitant amount of salt. And excesses in salt consumption are very dangerous for health. In short, sunflower seeds can be part of a healthy diet, but consumed proportionally and without added salt. Written by New Code for Sport

Pipes with salt, peeled pipes, aguasal pipes, extra large pipes, etc... now you can also buy them online in our store f-47 and you can receive them in any corner of the European Union since we make daily shipments to Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Austria, etc.

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