Blog meats

Stuffed Pork Tenderloin with Garlic Sauce Potatoes
24 Jul

Stuffed Pork Tenderloin with Garlic Sauce Potatoes

This is a meat dish, without any complications. It can take cold or hot but it is advisable to cool so that the filling is well cut. Then we can incorporate already cut to the hot sauce before serving, although it can also be consumed cold.

Cooking time varies according to your preference. Approximately one and a quarter in the oven. You can also cook in the pressure cooker and in this case you will have to control the amount of broth, since it will just waste liquid when cooking.

The sauce is very simple but collects meat juices and marinade. It is delicious.

Some potatoes as a side dish with garlic sauce that can finish at the last moment, whenever we have them boiled and peeled before.


 1 pork tenderloin 1'5 Kg.
 150 grams of minced meat (half pork half beef)
 150 gr of bacon steaks
 3 or 4 cloves garlic
 5 piquillo peppers
 black olives
 1 boiled egg
 1 egg
 1 leek
 1 onion
 2 cloves
 Some sprigs of rosemary
 Some turmeric
 Half a glass of sherry and some whiskey
 Freshly ground black pepper
 Olive oil


We prepared the open back. Salpimentamos.

Prepare the filling:

Chop the bacon in the mincer to pieces (reserve 3 or 4 slices) 2 or 3 cloves garlic, pepper, olives, boiled egg and some sprigs of parsley.

Mix with ground beef and season.

Cut into large pieces the rest of bacon and extend over the meat, fill it with the mixture of minced meat and pressing roll up slightly to distribute well. Liam with kitchen string, rub it with olive oil, pepper and rosemary. Let meatloaf stand in refrigerator at least two hours.

Heat a large pan with olive oil and let sautéing the meat on all sides over medium-high heat until well browned. Reserve.

In the same pan fry the onion, leek and garlic cloves in medium pieces. When they begin to brown add the meat, rosemary, turmeric, cloves, wine, whiskey, salt and pepper. Cover halfway broth or water and bouillon.

Let cook until the meat is tender. The move away to a source and grind the broth in blender. We continue until the sauce emulsifies well and tried salt.

When she cooling the meat cut to thin slices and serve with hot sauce accompanied by a "garlic mashed potatoes."



The potatoes are cooked with their skin in plenty of water and a generous handful of salt. Once a tender remove the skin and fry them.

Ingredients sauce:

 6 or 7 cloves garlic
 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs
 A teaspoon paprika
 Half teaspoon cumin
 Salt and pepper
 Lemon juice
 Olive oil

In a skillet with olive oil we fry on medium-low temperature cloves garlic, crushed in a mortar. When they start to be transparent add, stirring well, breadcrumbs. Then paprika, cumin, salt and pepper. Finally lemon juice. Retired, we beat well and pour over the potatoes.


 Stuffed Pork Tenderloin with Garlic Sauce Potatoes



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