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Seven true and false myths about food
15 Jun

Seven true and false myths about food

Should we eat fruit between meals or after eating? You should make five meals a day? A naturopath dismantles some of the most accepted nutritional principles.


There are new trends that break with traditional myths of nutrition. For example, Jesus Dominguez, naturopath and nutritional consultant my fast, has compiled a list of the truths and falsehoods that are still often in food and that can lead to not as healthy as we feed. Dominguez is the promoter of my fast program, which offers six days of fasting and hiking in an ideal environment for disconnection. This program aims to cleanse the body, find the general welfare, rehydrate the skin, reduce stress, recharge your batteries, helps quit smoking ... Moreover, combined with other activities and services that provide a healthy diet and optimal rest, which promotes cleansing of the body, inside and out.

1. You have to eat 5 times a day: False. Since when and where in the world the man can eat five times a day? The answer dismantles the myth of eating five times a day. Keep in mind that this supports the modern trend (in the first world) to base caloric intake in foods with a high content of refined carbohydrates (cereals) and dairy foods do not cause satiety but make up very fast glucose levels in blood. Recent studies claim that eating two to three times a day or even once a day very beneficial acts on the digestive well-being and quality of life of the person mode.

2. Fat makes you fat. False. Foods high in fat such as fish, olive oil or meat quality are essential for the welfare of the person because, on the one hand, provide fat fundamental quality to promote hormonal functioning of the person (steroid hormones) and, secondly, to repair and maintain structures such as cell membranes, especially in the brain, eyes and nerves that are predominantly fatty tissues.

In addition, fats and carbohydrates are the major source of calories in the diet but, unlike the first, fats produce satiety and, therefore, act as regulators of satiety-hunger balance.

3. You have to eat before sports. False. Scientific studies show that move with low levels of blood glucose is easier (neurologically speaking) with high levels of blood glucose (after eating). In addition, fasting sports or strategic fast (3.5 hours or more after the last intake of solid food) favors the activation of the mechanisms that favor the transformation of fat into energy and therefore regulate the weight, but especially muscular ensure better quality. This consideration deserves some clarification if we talk about long-term sports or professional level.


The fruit can cause bloating night

4. It's good fruit dinner. False. There are two arguments Disassembling an optimal light dinner or fruit-based is a good choice. The first is that the digestive process of the fruit is a fermentation that given the high sugar content of the fruit produces certain amounts of alcohol overnight determine a decrease in liver detoxification capacity. The second argument is more energy: according to traditional Chinese medicine, the body at night must have heat inside and fruit cools (by its nature) the stomach, resulting in many cases feeling of abdominal swelling (right after eating). This situation is especially common in people with low ability to produce hydrochloric acid in the stomach or those who regularly take antacids.


5. The fruit is eaten after meals. False. Eating fruit after meals causes the stomach to empty before completing his part of the digestive process protein and fats, so they spend less digested the small intestine increasing the work to be performed by the pancreatic enzymes and salts bile, and in most cases conditioning partial digestion processes favor the presence of fermentation processes and / or intestinal putrefaction.

This is because the stomach is closed the time you need to be in the stomach the last food they ate. The example illustrates this fact is given in large communal binges, such as weddings and christenings, in which a half sorbet food is included to encourage the stomach to empty and thus can keep eating. What it is from the point of view an atrocity digestive, conditioning a heavy digestive process we have all experienced at one time or another in our lives.

6. Sugar gives energy. True. The nutritional adviser says that this statement is true but with nuances: it is true that sugar or sugars give energy as they absorb very quickly and increase circulating glucose levels easily transformable into energy at the cellular level. What happens is that this energy is consumed very quickly and then we have these feelings of hunger.

On the other hand, excess blood glucose is toxic and glucose that is not converted into energy at the moment is carried by the insulin to the liver to be converted into fat that accumulates first in the liver and then in adipocytes. If this phenomenon is maintained over time, but also conditions obviously obesity fatigue in the pancreas and subsequently increasingly diabetes because insulin is needed to achieve the same effect. This phenomenon is known as insulin resistance and is at the origin of most modern diseases.

7. Milk is good. False. There is no formal scientific studies demonstrating the benefits of milk beyond the time of lactation in mammals. Jesus Dominguez said that "it is not the time to talk about the evils of milk but it should make a reflection on the gradual increase in dairy consumption in the population of the first world and, without banning them, yes avoid excessive drinking, especially in certain phases of life. "


Source: ABC

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