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A component of cocoa could prevent type 2 diabetes
30 Apr

A component of cocoa could prevent type 2 diabetes

Flavonols improve insulin sensitivity and increase survival of pancreatic beta cells


A component of cocoa flavanols could help slow the progression of type 2 diabetes by slowing the loss of mass and function of beta cells of the pancreas caused by this disease. This is the main result of a study by the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) demonstrating for the first time this antidiabetic potential effect in an in vivo animal model.

Cocoa is rich in bioactive compounds such as flavanols, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In cell culture it has already been shown to possess anti-diabetic effects by promoting functionality and survival of beta cells of the pancreas. Now, these new data show that murine models fed a diet rich in cocoa during the pre-diabetic stage (between six and 15 weeks of age) are able to lower their levels of hyperglycemia (too much sugar).

Furthermore, the results published in "Molecular Nutrition and Food Research" show that animals also improve insulin sensitivity and slow loss of mass and function of pancreatic beta cells, and exhibit increased activity antioxidant defenses in the pancreas that serves to improve the situation of oxidative stress and cell death pre-diabetic state.

beta cells

"The results show for the first time in an animal" in vivo "model that cocoa could protect against the loss of function and the mass of beta cells in the pancreas that occurs in type 2 diabetes and delay therefore the progression of the disease, "says Biomedical Research Center in Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM) Carlos III Institute of Health. However, he adds, "it is a need for more research to determine the real magnitude of these benefits and especially clarify their mechanisms of action."

The expert says that cocoa flavanols and have attracted much attention for its potential to prevent diabetes type 2. "It is suspected that dysfunction of beta cells is due in part to oxidative stress that appears in the pre-diabetic stage. Therefore, the interest in identifying natural antioxidant compounds that contribute to the preservation of beta cells has grown rapidly to the point of being considered strategic to prevent or treat this disease "

Reference: ABC Health

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