Blog Desserts recipes

French toast honey
22 March

French toast honey

We are in the middle of Holy Week and we want to give you the recipe of one of the most typical of these dates ... sweet French toast. Delicious and easy to prepare.
1 Baguette (preferably hard, several days) cut into slices less than 2 cm. Also they sold in special bread bakeries to prepare French toast.
1 liter of milk
4 eggs
Peel of half a lemon
We put on the fire, without allowing it to boil, milk, cinnamon stick, lemon peel and sugar.

In a bowl we put the slices of bread and pour over hot milk with the above ingredients and let stand about 15/20 minutes. Beat the eggs and be overflowing one by one and then soaked bread, fry in abundant oil and are leaving on paper towels to absorb excess oil.

In a saucepan honey with a quarter cup of water is heated. Mix well and goes to the source in which we will have already placed the french toast.

Below is cool and ready to take ..!

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